Wednesday 20 February 2019


Any Individual dreams of earning their hard-earned money. Why not everyone wants to be financially independent and wants to be the boss of their own life. So, how does it feel when you have joined your first organization and after working tirelessly for thirty days, suddenly the phone beeps and here it is tweet tweet Rupees XYZ amount has been credited to your account. That moment everything is paused and we start realizing that yes we are productive homo-sapiens, and our parents investment on us was the right investment. That ecstatic feeling when we receive our first pay, we just want to fulfill all our wishes, want to make our parents happy and also we start realizing the value of every penny. So earn,spend, save and celebrate

Wednesday 13 December 2017


Let's get lost in the dreamy world and never come back to this selfish world, which is full of endless possibilities.

Saturday 15 July 2017


In the middle of the chaos all that was left was broken promises,
un-spoken words, fake smiles and faded memories with blur images.

Friday 14 July 2017


In this kingdom there is no princess,
But a super woman who needs no rescue.

It was a rainy month of stolen kisses, broken promises
And a good-bye which was forever.

I want to wrap my-self in your arms and
Let the beat of your heart put me to sleep.

Darkness all around her, but oh there she finds him dazzling like a knight in the shining armour.

Weekend Forecast:
A cup of strong hot coffee, cozy room,
a warm blanket and a Sidney Sheldon book.

Intense Eyes

 I can’t describe how intense those eyes were.
Those shimmering eyes, under the bright moon light,
Reminded me of that gloomy night.

His seductive voice in my ears did interesting things to me and
I can say no more because he compelled me to look at him.
I felt reluctant under those penetrating gaze,
But I know it was OK, because he was he and I was I..

The morning sun kissed me on my dimple cheeks and I realized how beautiful was the dream last night.

Sunday 8 January 2017

Power of Silence

The ones who are silent are bullied the most. Little do these people realize, that silence can hold more meaning than the words expressed. Being silent, doesn’t mean the person is weak, it’s a sign that the person doesn’t want to get into an ugly argument, which would break the crux of a beautiful relation.

Wednesday 7 September 2016


Today I choose to be happy, I choose to be my-self,
I choose to follow my heart, I choose to let go those people,
whose presence intoxicate my positive mind.